Choices and Consequences

Oren Cass, a “conservative” think tank head, wrote an OpEd piece in the NYT about the choices Trump must quickly make in the opening days of his administration. Immigration. Cryptocurrency (?). Infrastructure and returning jobs to the US from overseas. He isn’t very encouraging.

Oren points out that presidents have to transition from campaigning to win to governing. They are surrounded by people with agendas. Ref: the West Wing TV series from the 90’s where you saw that on nearly every episode. Oren has a limited amount of confidence that Trump will take his “mandate” and effectively do the right thing. How naive they are. Who they?

“Conservatives” are just old school Republicans. They don’t understand Trump. He isn’t one of them. In fact, it’s pretty clear he has great disdain for them. He’s a lizard brained sociopath in the beginning stages of dementia. That makes for a vicious loop in his thinking, with the dementia destroying any logical bits left in the cranium, emphasizing the lizard component. Note to Conservatives of the world: HE IS CAPABLE OF JUST ABOUT – NAY..I REWRITE THIS STATEMENT. HE IS CAPABLE OF ANYTHING. ANYTHING.

He’s already begun by taking a swipe at used to be fat and now Ozempic’d Mike Pompeo. He took another one at Nikki Haley, who fully deserved it. Guess she never understood that it ain’t no good to let other people get your kicks for you. Oops..channeling Dylan there for a moment. What I meant to say is she tried to straddle the Trump fence and ended up just looking really venal and shallow. Maybe that’s what she is. Don’t know. I became a Republican to vote for her in the primary. Big mistake. Won’t do that ever again.

Back to the topic at hand. Expect no rationality here, folks. Anything is possible. Anybody is possible, regardless of experience or political persuasion, for his administration. God help us. final note. Didn’t see a whisper in that OpEd piece about climate change. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Climate change. It will be the death of many of us. Prepare ye the way of the weather.

I’ll be watching. And talking. And reminding you: you let him in.

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